by Charles Scamahorn - January 2007
See outside online search engine information at:
Wikipedia, Google, Consumer Search,
Social Science Research Search Engine Watch. (old)
Specialized Lists Of Search Engines.
Below is a long Alphabetic Listing of web search engines.
- #
- ~ is a google search
from a dial up access provider.
- 7 Search ~ appears to be new and not
yet fully implimented search engine.
- 7 Meta Search ~ "Features the best sites on all search engines in one place." Has helpful rating windows
on the sites..
- A
- A9 ~ uses Live Search and Alexa and can
search inside of books at Amazon which will track your interests.
- AAA Matilda Australia ~ Search, shop
and save at the AAA Bargain Hunters Shopping Mall.
- ~ is a popular culture news
- Alexa ~ for search,
traffic rankings and a directory stresses media.
- Alexa ~ for search,
traffic rankings and a directory stresses media.
- Ajaxwhois ~ finds web
registered and unregistered URL domain names.
- All That ~ has a basic search
but with RSS feeds to keep you apprised of changes.
- Altaseek ~ Select up to 4 Search
engines from top 25 for a 4-up display.
- AltaVista ~ Web, Images,
MP3/Audio, Video, News. Toolbar, Answers, Directory, Shopping, Travel. See Yahoo!
- AltaVista Babel Fish ~ the
AltaVista translation service.
- ~ huge searchable
commercial site starting with books but greatly expanded.
- American Stock Exchange ~ Equities,
Options, ETFs, HOLDERS, Structured Products, Amex UTP.
- Amniota ~ is a specialized search
engine dealing with health issues.
- Answerbag ~ uses full sentence
questions but gives interesting but quirky results.
- Anzwers (Australia) ~ is a
popular portal directory with a search box at bottom.
- Yahoo! ANSWERS ~ links to
others who asked the same question so most of the answers are trivial asides.
- Asia dragons.Com ~ no
- AOL ~ is a major full function popular
new site with a search bar.
- ASK ~ uses clustered search
and presents a clean major full function search with clickable thumbnails.
- Ask Mobile ~ is mostly commercial for
the first several screens. The Directions works better than the Maps screen.
- Askville ~ enters you into a
secured blog community of people interested in your question.
- AURA! ~ is a Microsoft
Advanced Resource Annotation System soliciting free user imput into their commercial
- Azoos ~ has a small search with a
dazzeling yellow presentation screen.
- B
- Blabline ~ for Pod casts and
- Baidu ~ Chinese character-matching
with computer translated english.
- BananaSlug ~ related words are
inserted into a Google search which helps to find new results.
- Baidu ~ is a largely untranslated
Chinese business site associated with Nasdaq.
- Beaucoup ~ is a basic search and
directory with decent results.
- Previewseek ~ "Previewseek
provides the most advanced Internet and mobile search, navigation, aggregation, categorization and
advertising solutions available on the market today."
- Best of the Web ~ arranged by
categories and subcategories with a search bar.
- Big Hoo ~ is a directory for
- Big Charts ~ financial
site is the most useful one for graphical comparison and analysis of stocks.
- Bixee ~ Jobs Search Engine for India;
it has a directory and a search bar.
- Yahoo Business ~ searches for news and
- BizWeb ~ is a web business guide to
46290 companies listed in 208 categories.
- Blinkx ~ video with 25 thumbnail news
stories running and 7 million hours on line.
- Blog Lines ~ finds blogs from a
search box using the Ask search engine.
- Google Blog Search ~ for
searching blog entries on web, images, video, news, mpas and more.
- Bloomberg ~ general market search
with high quality web site filled with mass consumption money-babel.
- Boat Trader Online ~ for
buyers and sellers of boats.
- Boing ~ is a clean site which
searches the mobile web for brief reports.
- Google Book Search ~ has the
full text of many books, which you can search by title or author.
- Bookmach ~ tracks search terms you
create and keeps a flowing page of web updates on those terms.
- Box xet ~ cretes and tracks
collections of things which you choose to be made into Boxed Sets. Watch the introduction
- Brainboost ~ intelligently read
web pages derived from search results and extracts concise answers to your quiry.
- ~ Investor site with
market analysis.
- ~ for the business
search engine and business directory.
- C
- Canada ~ popular news
center has a basic google search bar with good results but no research perks.
- Cacti ~ helps you
give weighted searches derived from Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask.
- ChaCha ~ gives 33 good
clean search sites.
- Check Domain ~ monitors domain
names, internet / Web addresses, or URLs for any country in the world.
- Clickey ~ Internet Marketing,
Domain Names, Web Design, Search Engines, Affiliate Progs.
- Clip Blast! ~ finds videos posted
on commercial news sites.
- Closer Look Search ~ specializes in custom vertical search engins for business.
- Clusty ~ lists related clusters,
sources and sites in subwindows.
- CNBC ~ is major news provider with a
word search.
- CNN Financial Network ~ has a word
search for investment and business related items.
- Collarity ~ has a slider bar
which equals a boolean not but gives a clean list with longer more understandable site
- College Grad ~ is the "#1 entry
level job site".
- CometQ ~ nice looking results
with thumbnails the but first page is 100% commercial.
- COLOSSUS ~ lists search engines by country and it will submit your site to 350 U.S. search
- Congoo ~ gets you a subscription to
some 200 news content sites.
- Search
engine reviews ~ Top search engine reviews in order of
- Cool Site Org ~ is a searchable
tech shopping site.
- Copernic ~ has cleaned-up results
with the sponsered links listed at the top.
- ~ is a
lightweight web spider and search engine suitable for adding search functionality to small
- Cybercrawler Search Engine ~ directory for business services resources with search box at bottom.
- D
- Daypop ~ Search 140000 News Sites,
Weblogs and RSS feeds for Current Events and Breaking News.
- Daytrader ~ appears
to be a glitzy site for seperating fools from their money.
- ~ bookmarks your network
sites and links and organizes and collates them with like minded people.
- Deoji Search Engine ~ for stuff for
- Decipho ~ uses your page others page
ranking to sort results but needs more input at present to work well.
- Digg ~ lists popularity of
events by day, week, month and year and blogs them.
- Digg Swarm ~ tags
and links current blog items in a multidimentional moving matrix. Weird and wonderful.
- Dinoseek Search Engine ~ for stuff
for sale with a Jewish-Christian twist.
- DisInformation ~ claims to show the
dark side of the media and reveal things you're not supposed to know.
- Ditto ~ for photos of the world with
links to original sites.
- DMOZ ~ is not a search engine
but a huge human-edited directory.
- Dumbfind ~ has a good search with a
nice related clusters list.
- Dumbfind ~ has a good search with a
nice related clusters list.
- eTRADE ~ is a stock trading
site with secure transactions.
- dmoz Open Directory Project ~ is for
human edited categorically structured searching. Like Wikipedia
- Dogpile ~ metasearch has
a useful group of alternate suggestions.
- Domain Tools ~ is a wildcard
search of all current/deleted/expired whois domains.
- Don Busca ~ clean
presentation with concept clusters and page thumbnails.
- Dow Jones ~ claims to publish the
world's most vital business and financial news and information.
- Draze ~ Compares results
with several search engines with a handy Peek-a-Boo into the found sites.
- E
- EDGAR-Online ~ The Trusted
Source for Company Information.
- Edgeio ~ Get a real-time feed of
classified listings that you can integrate into your website.
- Eluta ~ The Search Engine for New Jobs
in Canada.
- ePILOT ~ is a search advertising
network where you pay for traffic to your site.
- etquery ~ does a basic search
and presents it in difficult to read pastels. It has a short related links list.
- E*Trade ~ financial site with stocks
and search.
- Eurekster swicki ~ is a wicki based data set which is still small compared to wikipedia.
- EuroFerret ~ a european general
base site.
- EuroSeek ~ is a commercial
- Exalead ~ has
thumbnails of sites, alternate search strategies and search by date, location, file
- Excite ~ is mainly news and services
portal but it has a simple search with clean list. See InfoSpace.
- F
- Factbites ~ is what do you get if
you cross a search engine with an encyclopedia.
- Fazzle ~ does Boolean search on the
subject and combines them with various site qualifiers.
- feeds2 ~ A "personalized Web 2.0 RSS
aggregator" out at the moment ... updating the system.
- Feedster ~ access billions of
posts and indexes them to be searchable.
- Fidelity Investments ~ for a
financial search.
- Filez ~ is a comercial site with
access to jewish and christian singles.
- Finance Anaysis of Canada ~ with a search button.
- FinAid ~ is a financial aid and
scholarship search service for students.
- Findelio ~ searches a
few popular engines and lists their results on a hard to read grey page.
- Find It All ~ is an internet video
search engine with thumbnails of found videos.
- Find It Quick ~ is for stuff
rather than ideas.
- Find Sounds ~ searches for audio
tracks sound effects and musical instrument samples.
- Find Spot ~ is a UK
based metasearch with the usual propensity to put commercial sites at the top.
- Find What ~ helps you spend money
and find loans so you can go into debt slavery.
- Flickr ~ a vast
collection of searchable photos from around the world.
- Flickr-storm ~ is a
search portal into Flickr photo site based on lots of thumbnails.
- The Motley Fool ~ helps you invest your
money into other people's pockets. Their April 2000 suggestions would leave you without much to
invest. It is unlikeley that their present advice is any better. But they look and sound
- Forbes Digital ~ is a fancy slow
loading money site.
- Forex ~ a quick
loading money site with a good economic calendar.
- Framesearch ~ finds stuff to bid
- Free Real ~ stocks
with red-green slider bar for today.
- Free Website Review ~ is
a directory of reviews of sites: insurance, education, finance, loans, travel, pets, franchises,
real estate.
- Froogle-Google ~
has advanced search features. The finds are clearly listed and each has a
- Financial Times ~ leans towards europe
and asia reporting.
- The Free Dictionary ~ searches words by: Article, Starts with, Ends with, Text; or Google, Yellow pages, White
pages, eBay, Amazon. It also has a nice today day-tips. A part of Refdesk
- FTP search engines ~ file
transfer protocols sites on the Web
- Fundooweb ~ a mash up of
several search engines each shown seprately
- G
- Galazy ~ finds popular stuff by city
and state.
- GenieKnows ~ connects people,
products and places using 25+ engines for overlap that brings commercial sites to the
- GIGABLAST ~ is a good
search with color coded reasons for selection and linking.
- Girafa ~ a
basic search with a few results with thumbnails.
- Go/ Infoseek ~ is an ABC lite news page
with top TV soaps and a Yahoo search engine. Bought by Disney.
- Goodsearch ~ is a charity search
engine for those who can't spend their money fast enough. Carnagie said "Nine tenths of charity
would serve the public better had it been thrown into the sea".
- Gnod ~ does a scatter map of authors,
and muscians with similar audience prefrences.
- Godefy ~ marketing and search engine
products and how to make money on the internet.
- Google Blog News Channel ~ is a great techie news site.
- Google*Code Search* ~ is
for programers and techies; it searches for computer code strings.
- Google Directory ~ is the web
organized by topic into categories for searching the Google version of the Open Directory or old
- GOOGLE ~ front page of
the universal search engine is a good blend of expert and commercial sites.
- Google Mobile ~ converts your
cell phone to a search, maps, Gmail, and news source.
- Google Scholar ~
has boolean boxes, author, publication, date and subject delimiters. It
labels sources [BOOK],[CITATION] etc..
- Google U.S. Government search covers all sites and
documents in U.S. Government.
- Google Sets ~ helps
you find items by your list of similar word examples.
- goshme ~ helps you find the internet
search engine that is best for your need. Still in beta.
- GoTo ~ wireless phone services
- Goyams ~ is a metasearch that lets
you weight your search to the most popular search engines.
- Grokker ~ has several
sophisticated breakdowns of results including an outline, an expandable detailed list and a map
- H
- Hakia ~ Search for semantic meaning
using a question, sentence, phrase, or keyword. QDEX Query Detection and Extraction
- Hong Kong Search Engine ~ based website directory with a search.
- Home (UK) ~ finds houses for sale in
- Hoover's Online Free ~ provides
company capsules as a starting point for information on more than 14,000 of the largest public and
private companies in the United States and around the world.
- Hosting ~ is a web site for your
web page.
- HotBot ~ Search engine that offers
custom filters, skins, and access various other engines with a list of related search
- I
- iBoogie ~ compiles list from majors
and has a large list of alternate search possibilities.
- IceRocket ~ searches blogs and
gets strange results.
- International Herald Tribune ~ newspaper
with a search window, and a historical news search.
- Indeed ~ job search by title,
keywords or company name and by city, state or zip code.
- Individual ~ a free customized
news service where you choose the topics and companies you want to follow they search and
categorize top news sources to your email.
- IndoExchange ~ based in
Indonesia is mostly business, stocks and related news.
- InfoGrid ~ is a full function
portal with something for everyone but no central unifying theme.
- Infonetware ~ provides a
natural language text-analysis, content extraction and document retrieval.
- Info Space Directory ~ weighted
toward business and residential searches by name, type, persons, phone, location, email, category
and world directory.
- Inktomi ~ is a Yahoo owned market
search tool.
- ~ a stock trading site with
search for stock data.
- inQuira ~ isn't so much a search
engine as a customer-employee information refrence service.
- Internet Plays ~ is a chat
room for stock traders.
- Internet Stock News ~ is
directory driven but even my stock searches were not as productive as the major general purpose
search engines.
- Internet Tutorials ~ has a nice list of search engines with comments, like this current page but much
- Registry Whois Search ~ registered domain names are searched.
- MSN Money Central ~ search
Money or web or a menu.
- Investor Guide ~ has an
interesting news and commentary; and ticker research and symbol lookup boxes.
- Invisible Web-Nielsen Buzz Metrics ~
tracks and measures consumer generated media.
- Ixquick ~ does a meta search of the
top dozen search engines and gets mostly commercial sites in the first page.
- J
- Jambo ~ searches for freinds in your
- Janus ~ enter your Social Security
Number and you PIN and give away your money.
- Jayde ~ searches for business to
business products.
- Jump City ~ for
searching and linking to popular wed sites and media.
- J.P. Morgan ~ "A trusted provider
of integrated capital markets and advisory solutions to clients worldwide" with a search bar. Trust
Me with your doe!!
- Jux2 ~ is a meta search but
it has an interesting feature comparing the search engines results.
- Jyve ~ creates an online dialog with
people interested in your question. Takes some time for results.
- K
- Karnak ~ gives fee-based service and
stores the results online, and e-mails results.
- KartOO ~ charts the standard results
but with a size based on importance of labeled documents which have clickable
- Kayak ~ is a trip planer for hotels,
cars, deals, buzz forums.
- Kelkoo (UK) ~ is a British
shopping portal with a search engine.
- Key Compete ~ is for search
engine marketing using keyword research to identify what keywords your competitors are
- Keotag ~ has a colorful
but difficult to use icon listing of search engines. However, there is a daily hit chart for your
- Killer Info ~ is a meta search
with a long category guide where it found the hits.
- Kiplinger Online ~ is a "timely,
trusted personal finance advice & business forcasts" site with a search box. Remember
- Koders ~ finds examples of
specified code in web pages.
- Kosmix ~ primary aim appears to be
health, and alternative medicine, Video Games, Finance, Travel, US Politics, Autos.
- KwMap ~ a graphical
interface that .
- Krugle ~ searches for computer code
and technical stuff.
- L
- ~ finds current FM music and
refines selections to your tastes.
- Lexxe ~ is a natural language search
which delivers 100 selections with two clips for each find.
- Like ~ fashion and style picture clips
and where you can get the stuff.
- Linc On ~ News Weather
Stocks Guides Travel Shopping and a google search bar.
- Librarians Internet Index ~ gives a basic search with a very short list of hits compared to Google.
- Live ~ gives a basic search
with a short list of related searches and a giant list of thumbnail images.
- Live Deal ~ searches the local area
for commercial merchandise.
- Liveplasma ~ searches
for movies and music that is similar to your search imput and graphically seperates
- Local ~ searches for business and
services by ZIP, city and state.
- Look Smartcommercial site for consumer living.
- Lurpo ~ Unitarian Universalist Blog
Search Engine and forums.
- Lycos ~ is a flashy front
page and the search gives standard results but with a good: narrow, expand and related search
capability. See Ask.
- M
- Mamma ~ is a standard neta search
with a clean display with news, mages and commercial percolating to the top.
- Market Guide ~ links to Reuters investing site with a search box for business stuff.
- CBS MarketWatch ~ is an investing site with lots of help for distribuiting your money.
- Maven Search ~ is a Jewish and
Israel focused directory driven site.
- Medstory ~ is a Microsoft medical
search engine.
- Mercora"Music Search and Internet
Radio Network" ~
- MetaGer ~ is a german
- Meta Crawler ~ searches several
other search engines and does a brief and simple display.
- Meta EUREKA ~ does a clean
search and presentation of the top sites findings. Includes some curious java icon
- Metaglossary ~ apparently
defines words and phrases using web resources rather than dictionaries
- Meta Search Langenberg ~ searches, Mamma, Seekz, Super Crawler, My Web Search, Vivisimo, Web Wombat and
- Mirage (UK) ~ finds hotel rooms in
Las Vegas.
- MdtaGopher ~ does a good google
search very fast with a clean presentation.
- Mnemomap ~ didn't seem to work for me;
but it had moving iconic words.
- Mobissimo ~ searches for travel
items: airfare, hotels, cars, activities.
- Money ~ sells programs for java
tracking of market data.
- Money Manager (Australia) ~ is a fancy site designed to manage your money their way. It starts right off with credit
cards and home loans.
- Monster Crawler ~ claims a
wide search but doesen's seem to show much and doesn't even have pix or news.
- Mojeek ~ creates your own
personal search engine which you may make public or keep private.
- Mooter ~ provides a short list of
links and a short list of possible subcategories.
- MS. DEWEY ~ is really cute and with
a better search behind it would be pleasant way to search.
- MSN Shopping ~ is a very clean
shopping portal with a MicroSoft refined popular display.
- Multi-Search-Engine ~ has 119 search engines which can be searched simultaneously, but you have to know there
powers by name.
- MySimon ~ shoppin portal with a
search engine which compares countless products.
- Mystrands ~ is a music search for
current popular styles.
- My Web Search ~ gives a good listing with a helpfull narrow, expand your search and a related names
- N
- Nasdaq ~ home site for the tech stock
market with lots of stuff.
- Nerd World ~ for nerdy culture,
life and work styles.
- Net Listed ~ tries to get your
site listed on search engines; I think?
- Netquote (Australia) ~ is a
stock market site aimed at Australia.
- Netscape home ~ is very popular;
but you know you are at a loser site when the paid ads are for bad credit refinancing and find
friends fast.
- Netscape search ~ has a good results with a stable preview drop down, but lacks alternate suggestions. It
does have a site security warning.
- Nextag ~ is a comparison shopping
directory site with a search box. Clean presentation with helpful related word
- Northern Light ~ searches for
full-text business articles from 1,400 trade journals and 22,000 business websites. New
- Nutch ~ is open source web-search software. It builds on Lucene Java, adding web-specifics, such
as a crawler, a link-graph database, parsers.
- Nutch Wiki ~ Public search engines using Nutch.
- New York Stock Exchange ~ is the stock
site for the old crowd investors.
- New Zealand Search Engine ~ and
popular stuff directory driven directory.
- O
- One Center ~ "World Most Popular
Searches: Games - Warez - MP3 - Freeware - Casino - Stock"
- Oaister ~ is a
union catalog of digital scholarly sources.
- One Key ~ is for parents who want an
upbeat safe search using Google's Safe Search.
- ~ helps business to conect
up with the market and government opportunities.
- Oodle ~ is a search engine for local
classifieds of all sorts including love and blogs.
- dmoz Open Directory ~ is a user edited
directory of the internet.
- Opera Mini ~ is a search engine for
mobile phones.
- Orientation ~ is a french
language search.
- Overture ~ is an online Yahoo
company with products for market searching.
- P
- PAGEBULL ~ a full page
of very large thumbnails of the found sites with the search words highlighted. Make window full
screen and click 2x6 NEXT then PREVIOUS.
- Pandia Search Central ~ helps you learn how to search the internet more effectively.
- PC quote ~ has a good
live market news page.
- Personal Wealth ~ goes to Business Week for a popular investing and a weeks worth of headline
- Planet Search ~ is a metasearch
with a country and family filter.
- Portal Seek ~ a directory for
your web related business needs.
- Powells ~ full function new and
used bookstore in Portland Oregon area.
- Powerset ~ natural language search
engine which isn't up yet in Jan 2007.
- PreFound - Del.ici.ous ~ gives
search results with the number of links from your quiry to someone else searching that
- Premimum Quest ~ is a search
engine marketer's directory that aims at commercial develoopment.
- Prentice Hall ~ the world's leading
educational publisher of text books.
- Pricerunner ~ (UK) is a
British price comparison site with a search box for consumer goods.
- Pricegrabber ~ is a portal to
comparison shopping with a consumer dedicated search box.
- Pronet ~ searches over 200
professions to find help for your problem.
- Pronto ~ is a commercial popular
products site with a search engine for shopping.
- Prudential ~ helps you with
insurance and financial planning.
- Pluggd ~ keeps you in touch with
active media, from FM, MP3, and web shows.
- Q
- Qtsearch ~ is a popular commercial
site for daily living products.
- Live QnA ~ lets you post questions
and the public responds. Mostly so far its just silly stuff.
- QuestFinder ~ seeks out quality
sites for information, design and ease of navigation. Very limiting.
- Quintura ~ for Kids is powered by
Yahoo! and is designed to visually stimulating to kids. But I feel confined.
- Quote ~ for stock market news. It has
an automatic 1 minute refresh on your selected page.
- New ~ Stocks, Charts, Most
Actives, World Markets, News, Futures, Forex, ETFs, Funds.
- Quotestream ~ for level II
streaming stock data.
- R
- Ragingbull ~ is a collection of
financial message boards.
- Read Write Web ~
reviews search engines and related information stuff.
- Rede Search ~ for the profoundly
spelling challenged but it has a large guess list of possibilities.
- Refdesk ~ Comprehensive
index of Internet sites and of recommended search engine tutorial sites.
- Retrevo ~ full searches
on consumer electronics and reviews.
- Releton ~ gives a basic search with
results from Google and Yahoo ranked.
- Riya ~ finds photos of people and
things based on photographs. The WOW is you can use face their recognition of your personal photos
for automatic taging.
- Rollyo ~ make a personalized list of
search sources with a clean display of results.
- S
- Savvysearch ~ .
- Charles Schwab ~ is a standard money
portal with a stock search box.
- Scirus ~ selects for serious journals
- Search engine watch ~ is a sourcce for search engine marketing, with tips forums, bolgs latest
- Search ~ is set to
advanced search which has boolean boxes for a much better search results.
- Searchmash ~ has a
hide the details one-line option, with 50 sites at one time viewable.
- MSN Windows Live Search ~ is
Microsoft's a major entry for searching the web from your cell phone. Now Live Search.
- SearchTheWeb2 ~ combines popular head and long tail search on each term and makes a list of alternate
search words.
- Search AllInOne MetaSearch ~ presents up to 200 collated sites in 3 seconds, with visited sites highlighted. Plus a 10
language translate function from Alta Vista.
- ~ finds people by
name, phone, address public records etc..
- ~ limits its
findings to the .edu. It is powered by google.
- Search Engine Watch ~ is the
source for search engine marketing.
- Search Engine Guide ~
helps with search engine submissions, and optimisations.
- ~ is a U.S.
government search engine.
- Searchking ~ seeks to build
internet communities by linking people with similar special interests.
- Search Mash ~ is Googles recent
attempt to upgrade their engine.
- SearchMil ~ just does a Google
search with the prefix "site: mil".
- SEO Discussion Search ~ tool
brings together an elite selection of SEO forums and blogs.
- Seekz ~ gives a good search with
weighted listings from some major hearch engines.
- Seeqpod ~ finds music, ringtone and
video sites from a search box.
- Sharelook (German) ~ portal with a
directory and a google search box.
- Shopping ~ portal with a
directory and a search box.
- Shopzilla ~ portal with a
directory and a search box specializing in home products, clothing and personal
- Sidekick ~ "The
traveler's search engine". Mostly for USA, UK and Ireland.
- Sidestep ~ "The traveler's search
engine". Mostly for USA, UK and Ireland.
- Simply Hired ~ job search. Post
your resume to multiple job boards at once. Free.
- Sina (Chinese) ~ portal
with news, business, technology and photos. Has an Accoona search box.
- Singing FISH ~ is an audio-video
search engine with lots of streaming mp3s.
- Singseek ~ appears to be a
Singapore based general portal with a search directory with a search box.
- Site Sift ~ is a new human
reviewed site with relatively few listings.
- Skweezer ~ is an Ask based search
with Cool and Fun in their directory listing.
- Slifter ~ downloads to your mobile
phone and helps search your local area for products.
- Smartage ~ is a travel search
featuring cruise ship adventures.
- ~ is a major money
portal for stocks and personal finance.
- Snap ~ is about half way to
my old Plumb Pudding. #1 at New life?
- Sohu (Chinese) ~ is a news portal
with an Accoona search engine.
- Solomon ~ is
Microsoft Dynamics confrence at San Diego March 11-14 2007, with a search box.
- Soople ~ has 20 search
boxes with limiting qualities to sharpen your search words.
- Speegle ~ searches for popular
- Sphere ~ The best bits of the
blogosphere. Find them here.
- Sphider ~ is a compact
programing tool that helps to correct web page errors.
- ~ is a free on-line
bookmarking service and search engine that re-access' found sites.
- SpyFu ~ is a basic search that
organizes its results into related terms columns.
- SQUIDOO ~ is a wiki
like handbuilt catalog of online stuff; but needs more input.
- Srchr ~ is a meta search with a
graphical interface but it requires a high resolution screen for best use.
- StartingPoint ~ is a New
York, Nigara Falls business help site directory with a search box.
- Stockhouse ~ is a full function
stocktrading portal site with stock and bulletin board search boxes.
- StockMaster ~ does something
with stock information; reroutes to
- StockSelector ~ is a stock
investment portal with a ticker search.
- Streetadvisor ~ is a simple
portal with a modest search at present.
- Stumble Upon ~ is a
collaborative surfing tool for browsing, reviewing and sharing. Surfs the internet with others to
discover great websites, videos and pictures. Requires a 171k download program.
- SurfWax ~ metasearch
shows a one line list of urls and their sources and saves search and documents.
- Super Crawler ~ is a directory
site with a search box to four major search engines.
- Swoogle ~ does a semantic web
search for schollars.
- Swicki, Eurekster ~ is a search-wicki which grows in sophistication as users input experience into
- T
- Tagjag ~ at present only seems to be
getting the google ads.
- Technorati ~ is a blog tracker of
who's saying what, right now. It has a interest nice tracking chart.
- TEK ~ means "Time Equals
Knowledge" searches the web using only eMail resources.
- Textrunner ~ makes a list of catagorized sentences on subject.
- The Find ~ is a
shopping site with a photo interface that is quick and helpful.
- ~ is a stock
investment and money managment site with lots of famous commentors.
- Thunderstone ~ is a meta which search gives an easily viewed clean presentation.
- Teoma ~ is now owned by
- Thomas Net ~ is a directory with
a search box for finding business and manufacturing materials.
- Top Ten Links ~ is a directory
with a search box which will not give good results even when quiry is within quote
- ToseekA ~ is a popular Yahoo
subsite with commercial sites at top and Q & A blog on your subject at the bottom.
- Trexy ~ is cute and quirky and
confusing to me. It seems to track ones intersts and is sticky about what it finds.
- Trulia ~ is real estate
with sales heat maps and prices.
- Turbo10 ~ is a do yourself
metasearch site which claims 804 engines. Is tight with Trexy. Seems hot but still very
- turboscout ~
- U
- UBS ~ claims to be a wealth management
company that puts your money in global investmens banks.
- Ujiko ~ has a
quirky interface that learns what you do and refines your searches so it gets better results as you
use it.
- URL.COM ~ is a fast metasearch with a
clean presentation and a compact relevancy rating system.
- You Tube ~ searchs huge
quantity of videos by tags.
- usabilityviews ~
- US Search ~ finds private
information about people.
- V
- Vanguard Group Homepage ~ is a
client-owned investment management company.
- Veoh ~ Has some full length feature
- Virtual Learning Resources Center ~ has an academic flavor and uses a Dewey decimil based directory to limit
- Vivisimo ~ has
clustered search for wider field of finds.
- vmgo ~
- Voila (French) ~ consumer portal with
a search box.
- W
- Walhello ~ metasearch seems to
prefer popoular Hollywood like finds.
- ~ appears
to be a give you money to us and we will take care of it portal.
- Waterhouse Securities Inc. ~ appears to be an Ameritrade log on portal site.
- Web 20 Search Engine ~
- Webaroo ~ selects compressed pages and saves them to your computer for transfer to your mobile
- Web Crawler ~ downloads a toolbar
to give you the usual web sites from a toolbar. See Excite.
- WEBBRAIN ~ solicits user imput, like a wiki, but seems to have a smaller data base.
- Webwombat ~ is an Australian
portal with a search engine with a search within the country box.
- Wells Fargo ~ is a secure site
with a search box for banking needs.
- Whoizzy ~ is "Your Business Services
- Whonu? ~ does a good search
and has a similar-to on each find and adaptive searches.
- WIKIO ~ "Live information from 14315
media and blogs" makes this search very current and bloggy.
- WIKI SEEK ~ searches
Wikipedia and gives a clean presentation and a disambiguation list at the top.
- Wink ~ gives a clean list that has
been ratted by others and lets you rate the result also. Mostly popular stuff.
- Winzy ~ gives good clean results with
a narrow your search, expand your search, and related names.
- WISEnut ~ does a good
search and has longish list of alternate categories.
- Yahoo! ~ a major portal with a search
box giving good clean results but no alternate suggestons.
- Yedda ~ is a people powered search
engine in which your query is posted for public comment.
- Wickipedia ~ is a vast
and growing body user created knowledge.
- Wondir ~ "Ask here. Make it as clear
as you can." Go to Question Board, Change Category to see whats been discussed.
- World HOT ~ main
directory is a list of web site names without comment. But, with a great DIRECTORY.
- World HOT 100 ~
search engines list arranged by site names and with a great
- Financial Web Sites from World Hot
- The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition ~ is an online business newspaper.
- Y
- Yahoo ~ a flashy major
site, directory driven blend of expert and commercial sites is presented.
- Yahoo Answers ~ a
popular major site, with blog like answers to your queries.
- Yahoo! SEARCH ~ brings up
search bar and top 6 news stories as text.
- Yahoo! MINDSET ~ lets
you set a bar to eliminate commercial. In google you just go to the academic page.
- Yam (Taiwan) ~ Searches in ?????
marks!!!! with lots of flashes turned on. This might win the wackiest web site award.
- Yehey (Philippines) ~ is a portal
with a search box filtered from Google with a current Philippine news slant.
- Yellow Pages UK ~ is a general
commercial portal with a search box for products
- ~ Dedicated to China-based
Internet searches. A Yahoo! product.
- Yooci ~ is a nongoogle
metasearch with a long quote and a weighted list of sources and similar word trail
- Yoono ~ is an organizer of people with
similar interests. It helps you discover, share and communicate your findings.
- Yoto Photo ~ is a metasearch which
finds public domain images from Wikipedia, Flickr, freefoto, Stock and others.
- Yufind ~ gives a standard list of
findings with a tags list for each found site.
- Z
- ZABA SEARCH ~ "Free People Search
and Public Information Search Engine" links the pay site.Intelius
- Zacks Investment ~ Research, Inc is a
money portal, with a profit track and a broker ratings upgrades listings.
- ZapMeta ~ is a
metasearch with a clean screen with stable quick view windows.
- ZEBO ~ is a buzz list of who ownes what
popular stuff and what they like about it.
- ZenSearch ~ is a basic portal
with a Google search box.
- Zillow ~ real estate
- Zippy ~ is a powerful
tool for comparing a web site with others for their links, backlinks and indexes on the major
search engines.
- Zoom Info ~ is for discovering
people, companies, and relationships.
- ZUULA ~ advanced search
just like Google's.
Liability disclaimer statement: These Probaways contain new and
unique information that has been created, tested and retested by me
alone. You must approach these findings and materials very
carefully as your results may differ greatly from my experience and
I can offer no recompensation of any kind for any injuries.

This work is
licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0