Life hacks.
by Charles Scamahorn
© 2007 - This is the INDEX page.
New stuff:
- Jack the Ripper - was Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Script - shorthand system is shown complete on a single page.
- Time - simplifies the calendar dating of ancient events with an earlier origin date.
- Life - helps you organize your life history with a set of self-defined decade-long calendars.
- Holy-Grail - shows you the secret ladder to Heaven that King Arthur and his knights sought.
- Paths - to human maturity are charted from infancy to adulthood and on to sagehood.
- Flu - and the common cold are cured with brief, controlled 102° F fevers in a bath.
- Clots - in the heart, brain and other organs are reduced by taking aspirin at first sign of symptoms.
- Healing - cuts, abrasions and trauma with hourly cycles of heating and cooling.
- Itching - of poison oak is stopped for eight hours with brief heat-pain from a hair-dryer.
- Memory - for numbers and items is helped by this ordered technique of linked pictures.
- Eve - is how the first "prehuman" learned to walk on the Earth among the carnivores.
- Eden - speculates on how humans first departed from Eden and paddled away to found a modern world.
- Civilization - considers how larger societies were founded when someone discovered how to preserve food.
- Comet - shows why comets are unlikely to destroy Life on Earth and asteroids, which might, are rare.
- Sherlock - identifies hoaxes and crimes perpetrated by Conan Doyle.
The previous Probaways, then called Probas, were published on paper before 1995.
There has been some new material added to this 2007 Probaway.
- Colors - on Black, Grey or White - backgrounds are identified by RGB numbers for web pages and web safe colors.
- Zanzibar - like location is where modern humans with their language and morality evolved into existence.
- Topper - creates keyboard shortcut templates for your new computer programs.
- Armageddon - sonnets look at us from a faraway time and a faraway place.
- Taxi Talk - helps anyone learn to speak any other language of their choosing.
- Infant Sign Language - helps normal infants communicate more effectively.
- Numbers Contraction - is a method for making numbers quicker to say and easier to remember.
- Metric Contraction - is a method for pronouncing the metric system words more quickly and more easily.
- Water - saver cuts domestic water consumption cheaply with controlled toilet flushing.
- Search - is a list of search engines with annotations, arranged by type and usefulness.
- Habits - is a good resolution list for daily use for a new year.
- Diet - is a method for changing eating habits by using a new ten day diet each new month.
- Meta-scales - measure ideas and phenomena with defined levels for comparison of different events.
- Evolution Scale measures the adaptation of information to its environment. - EVOS
- Disaster Scale compares the magnitude of worldwide human disasters. - DISS
- Pain Scale compares and measures the magnitude of bodily pain. - PAINS
- Happiness Scale measures and compares human happiness and pleasure. - HAPS
- BDI Scale uses the old BMI measure PLUS the waist and buttocks to calculate bodily density. - BDI
- Wit Scale measures the quality of human thought. - WITS
- Trustworthiness Scale measures the verifiability of information by the qualities of its sources. - TST
- Template Scale is a printable blank chart for creating your own personalized scales. - MESS
- Ethics Scale measures the ethical qualities of a moral condition based on time> - ETHS
- Manuals - are graphic charts mapping the operations of some tech devices.
- Age spots - and other superficial blemishes can be removed by freezing.
- Evalts - (design) is a search engine based on user input words generating alternate search words.
- Juliana - is a database system for the storage and retrevial of information based on time and location.
- Plumb Pudding - (design) finds and downloads web sites quickly to a more useful form.
- Proba-weigh - (design) variable fulcrum balance is for weighing items, accurately and reliably.
- Wind - (design) is a method to use kites to create power, which can be stored or used as electricity.
- 1999 Virtually Berkeley - mostly the old 1999 web page which when it has been upgraded has been linked to the current web page.
- Movies - mostly made around Berkeley using the movie function of a Casio still camera.
- Noteworthy - people I have met.
- Teabag - is improved by simply cutting the teabags into a special form so they will float with a handle.
- Scanner - system for supermarket checkout permits customer alignment of coding marks.
- Convertible - automobile can be easily changed from a sport car to a sedan to a van or a pickup.
- Sites - which are worth viewing.
- Snippets - are quotations from everywhere.
- Icons - is a icon field of links to popular sites.
- Cover - Is a GIF Drawing of the original 1995 Proba Cover. "The Exchange of Probas."
- Preface - Thanks, Purchasing Instructions, Disclaimers, ISBN #'s and Library of Congress Information and related materials.
- Web-Notes - Some occasional blog-like comments upon the state of this web-site.
Liability disclaimer statement: These Probaways contain new and unique information that has been created, tested and retested by me alone. You must approach these findings and materials very carefully as your results may differ greatly from my experience and I can offer no recompensation of any kind for any injuries.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No
Derivative Works 3.0 License.