Metascale site map.
by Charles Scamahorn © 2005
- Metascales - of complex systems showing causes, effects
and relationships.
- Evolution Scale measures the adaptation of
information to its environment. - EVOS
- Disaster Scale compares the magnitude of worldwide
human disasters. - DISS
- Evil Scale compares and measures the magnitude of human
evil. - EVLS
- Pain Scale compares and measures the magnitude of bodily
pain. - PAINS
- Happiness Scale measures and compares human
happiness and pleasure. - HAPS
- Fat Scale measures weight, height, waist and buttocks to
calculate body BMI. - FATIS
- Template Scale is a printable blank chart for
creating a personalized scale. - MESS
This Probaway is intended to help people take data which is messy and seeming nonlinerar and
structure it into a format which is more easily visualized and comprehended. The procedure is
Procrustean but it gives complex phenomena a format which is organized and easier to understand.
Through this greater understanding the hoped for results are useful applications which will make
the world a better place to live. The generalized Template Scale is intended for you to use for
creating new and useful scales. It may be used with creativity and exuberance but it should be
applied with sobriety and caution.
Liability disclaimer statement: These Probaways contain new and unique information that has been
created, tested and retested by me alone. You must approach these findings and materials very
carefully as your results may differ greatly from my experience and I can offer no recompensation
of any kind for any injuries.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No
Derivative Works 3.0 License.