Evalts search engine (pronounced like "he vaults") evolves alternatives. It's like a living system that reproduces the qualities that best fit your search environment.
The basic idea behind Evalts is to refine searches by using your recognition memory instead of your recal memory. The Evalts system makes it possible for you to find things that you are only moderately familiar with because your recognition memory far exceeds your recall memory. Evalts presents you with lists of words which are commonly associated with your search terms. Each new term you key into the text entry box or select from a previous list will generate a fresh set of associated words. Those can be combined with your previous search terms to stimulate your memory. "The answer was clearly, on the whole the best fitted live." Alfred Russel Wallace
Those evolved terms can then be submitted to a search engine such as Google with a single click. After you find a good web site, you may restart Evalts and use the newly discovered terms to further refine your search.
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.GO. SEARCH. | Google. | Yahoo. | LIVE images. | Pagebull. | Wikiseek... | eBay. | IMDB. | ASK. | A9. | More . |