Derived from New Year Resolutions - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - with bonmots and comments.
© 2005, 2006, 2007 by Charles L. Scamahorn, El Cerrito CA
- - Create a new good habit every day; make a list of the habits and practice it seven seperate times.
- - Greet your interlocutors in a direct and friendly way.
- - Observe the visual pattern of things and their lighting.
- - Observe the emotional space of people and treat it with respect.
- - Observe the energy of people's direction of gaze and why they are looking at that subject.
- - Look for the fuller meaning and content in what you see and hear.
- - Observe the meaning as the result of the way things are positioned relative to one another.
- - Say your name ... the way some person you are observing would enunciate it.
- - Say your true love's name ... frequently the way they should hear it.
- - Use precise words instead of generalizations as much as possible.
- - When observing people name their emotional space and how they are using it.
- - Observe and state the architectural intent of buildings and say it out loud.
- - Observe your bodies current health problems and state specific reasons for its present condition.
- - Say your name with the affect of an observed person's emotional state.
- - Place your keys against the doorknob before closing an outside door.
- - Place a hand on a solid object before sitting down.
- - Say the observed person's name with their expressed affect.
- - Observe the color and translucency of liquids.
- - Look along a street, as far as can be seen and then scan back.
- - Grab objects firmly and deliberately.
- - Rate the health of a person's skin and their behavior.
- - Observe the Earth's center of gravity and yours in relation to it.
- - Identify the necessary parts to identify a physical object or abstract thing.
- - Look at the expression on the left side of a persons face and then the right side.
- - Observe a group, name a random category, and state the commonalities between them.
- - Spot lurkers' hideouts and make mental preparations for coping with them.
- - When looking at a person look for their symmetry.
- - At the end of the month read your habits list and correct the statement of your usage of the new habits.
- - During lulls exercise by raising a leg and push/pulling clasped hands.
- - When running hold the breast pocket to prevent loss of items.
- - When bending over grab the breast pocket to prevent loss of items.
- - Observe the mood of the local groups and the energy flows between them.
- - When you find yourself humming a song, find and learn the lyrics.
- - After eating rinse out the mouth three times to clean your teeth.
- - Look for the center and the periphery of a situation and then the external influences.
- - When you remember a habit, do it right away, if possible.
- - Randomly during the day see and name a category and find examples of it.
- - When getting out of a shower, grab some stable item firmly.
- - Find and use soft brown paper napkins for ear plugs to limit excessive noise.
- - Uniquely identify people with two descriptive words.
- - Observe something and mentally make it symmetrical.
- - Finish every sentence even when interrupted ... especially when interrupted.
- - Cut desserts in two and only eat half; share the other half.
- - Wash before eating and keep hands clean when eating by using a utensil.
- - Observe water and its many, many different appearances.
- - Observe people and their many, many different appearances.
- - Observe irregularities in street pavement and consider their causes and futures .
- - Look at the sky and smile; the sky's many moods are all wonderful.
- - At all times be aware of attack and retreat routes.
- - Mentally rehearse where you want to go and the things you need along the way; feel the pull to your goal.
- - When driving don't run into anything and don't let anything run into you.
- - Imagine things being much bigger than they normally are.
- - Look at things and ideas as parts of a larger system, repeat ...
- - Look at things and ideas as expanded parts of a smaller system, repeat ...
- - Put a numbered dimension scale on objects, phenomena, ideas ...
- - Look at a person's face and then their body.
- - Observe the icons in a person's presentation of self.
- - Note person's subjects of interest and that subject's time frame.
- - Observe "all" of the symbols of an object and its environment.
- - On walks pick up an unusual item and when home set it in a visible place.
- - Observe your center and take comfort in it.
- - Ask questions about important things that can be answered.
- - Observe phlegm and its manifestations of health.
- - Listen to background sounds and identify their sources.
- - What can you observe and how can you observe it differently?
- - Ask your companion how you might create a good habit.
- - What pain are you feeling and what caused it?
- - Choose a name for unnamed entities.
- - Think through the history of an item.
- - Think of the goal and then think through the new journey, its junctions and key points to that goal.
- - With the first step of a journey think of its final step.
- - Observe the scene and how "it" would observe your place in it.
- - What can you do to make this task simpler? Can it be parsed into doable pieces?
- - Observe the human reactions to water.
- - Observe what creates pleasure and precedes pain.
- - Look for the extreme stress' and what will happen when it breaks its bonds.
- - What is important to the passing person.
- - Make a collection of little items and display them together.
- - Avoid virus transfers by gripping doorknobs in nonstandard ways and washing your hand often.
- - When in public avoid touching your eyes and mouth as that is when virus' are transfered.
- - Go to bed at appropriate times and do so consistently.
- - Respond as accurately as possible to a person's statements.
- - Observe how one can do without something and try to do it.
- - Check your entire skin for imperfections and treat them.
- - Make a list of people's names and add to it when you meet someone new.
- - Keep a list of interesting words and use them.
- - What are your fears?
- - Rate people's perception of: "did they get what they deserved out of life"?
- - What higher purpose might you be working toward right now?
- - Look at people and laugh it puts you into a good humor towards them.
- - View people as Poser models as it gives you a feeling of what they are feeling in a gross way.
- - View surroundings as if seen from above and go to Google Earth for developing overall perspective.
- - Create a situation-specific good habit right now.
- - At the computer, do five seconds of back excercise by looking back and up at each cornor.
- - How can you improve this object, in your hand, to make it work better?
- - When dieting and coming to the middle of a meal make a statement of dissatisfaction with overeating.
- - When picking up new household items state where you will put it and what it will displace.
- - When you say, "thank you" say specifically what the thanks is for.
- - Before you go through an outside door, make sure you pee.
- - Before you go into the house check the mail.
- - Before you get into the car make sure it is clear front and back.
- - At the outside door say, "pee, key, see". Look back and ahead for needs.
- - Place a note card at eyelevel at the front door with a list of things to do before you leave.
- - Carry a notepad and pen in the breast pocket.
- - When you encounter an unknown word write it down.
- - When you depart a public seat, look back for dropped items.
- - When eating a bagel be careful about jam dripping through the hole.
- - What are you doing now that someone else could be doing for you, and doing it better?
- - When walking ask, "How well does this architecture function? What to change to make it better?"
- - What can you do right now to show your appreciation for what the world has given you?
- - Think for a moment, "How do I learn best, and how do I remember to apply what I have learned."
- - Practice doing two-handed tasks with one hand.
- - Place good web finds on a special HTMLized web page. At present works well.
- - After eating anything rinse your teeth and tongue with a swallow of water three times.
- - When balancing on "one" foot, to put on pants, put just one ounce of weight on the other foot befor lifting.
- - Throw away useless old stuff.
- - When going to sleep press a smile into your face.
- - When eating food talk about positive things.
- - When it is necessary to face difficult things, have some yogurt as it sooths the stomach.
- - Carry a notepad and pencil and date the edge.
- - Before giving personal data check for credentials of the recipient.
- - Taste food before you swallow and when raisin bread has bitter raisins, spit it all out immediately.
- - Greet people in a way they expect and feel comfortable with.
- - When eating, set goals and triggering events.
- - Don't start eating until your companion is ready to eat.
- - When little things go wrong don't fail ... but think "I used to get frustrated but now I will try this better alternative."
- - When trading stocks consider using limit orders.
- - Make every activity have a potentially salable product.
- - Walk up and down the stairs, even when using an escalator.
- - When you see someone is wrong, you don't have to correct them.
- - When you have a useful thing, explore alternate non-intended uses it can be put to?
- - Recognize a play potential in everything by playing with it.
- - When entering a new environment, bring good news.
- - When you look at someone's eyes consider how you can help them live life more abundantly.
- - When bending over put a hand on a knee to ease the stress on your back.
- - Keep moving appropriately to the situation, to burn calories and keep the blood flowing.
- - Never click on anything in an email unless you are certain it is virus free.
- - Set the computer's safety programs to update automatically.
- - Protect your mind and senses, like hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling from assaults of excess.
- - When you see something good to do, try and do it right away.
- - When you see something bad in another's behavior, stop doing it yourself.
- - Seek to please women and impress men.
- - Keep a chart of your monetary wealth.
- - Notice what works well and apply that to more things.
- - Plan a specific action to do when arriving at a specific place.
- - When you go to bed your job is to go to sleep; don't get distracted.
- - When putting things in the garbage can, make sure you don't miss.
- - On the last day of the month, change the calendar, pay bills and remember appointments.
- - When you find a good web site save it to your local web site.
- - Watch for situations where you may cultivate new habits.
- - Observe the shadows cast by different colored transparent objects.
- - When taking a shower maintain balance by holding an elbow against a wall.
- - Observe where the power lies and seek a positive influence.
- - What are your current options and constraints to action?
- - Live life abundantly by having an important goal toward which you can make clear daily progress.
- - At the end of each day have what you have done in a final form.
- - Finnish what you start.
- - Make what you want to do fit in with the conditions which will prevail when you are done.
- - Find the critical precursor to an expected event.
- - Make your life as aesthetic as possible by making your things and behavior a beautiful aspect of yourself.
- - Observe the aesthetically horizontal banding.
- - Compare the banding aesthetic of the horizontal and the symetrical aesthetic of the vertical.
- - Note seven related items together as an aesthetic group.
- - When you take out the garbage pick up the local litter.
- - Seek out people with similar interests; that is with similar goals.
- - Think through a list of what your goals and interests are and prioritize a list of the top seven.
- - Align your thoughts and actions with archetypes of your goals.
- - Rate passing people on a baby face verses mature face scale.
- - When at a restaurant thank the waiter specifically for specific thoughtful actions.
- - When you have four or more items label them with a single name.
- - When you know you have done something good pause for a moment of pleasure and review the precursors.
- - When making a presentation leave a space for questions and a closure.
- - Take note of the bling of others; notice how it was acquired and the type of success it brings its consumer.
- - Before you get a needle shot slap your hands, face and injection place a couple of times.
- - When you pick up a favorite magazine get a repulsive one also to broaden your perspectives.
- - When watching a movie get into the directors mind and their intended effect on you.
- - In graphical comparisons keep the measurements on the same scale and the same number of dimensions.
- - When making web pages in HTML keep them in a single folder and use relative links ../../ .
- - For critical irreversible actions - double check before proceeding.
- - Be aware of distance relative to apparent size.
- - Observe the path you are on, its opportunities and limitations.
- - When you come to a fork in the road take em ... mentally.
- - Seek the convergence point of various non-related activities.
- - Observe your groups response or boredom to your conversaton and actions.
- - When you need to remember something analyze it abstractly from three points of view while handeling it and talking about it.
- - Find the choice point of a prospect and look all around for accessibility.
- - Identify the barriers to your actions and their doors and windows.
- - Think through important decisions in a quiet environment and then a noisy one.
- - Expect the best from yourself and others and speak to them in that way.
- - Repeated exposure to anything creates acceptance so to some degree just keep being present.
- - On the first of the month do a thoughtful triage on your activities.
- - Speak out a name, a short description even a scaleing number to things and phenomena you encounter.
- - When you want to make a point lean forward.
- - Always work within the design limits factor of safety but be prepared for for disruptive breaks.
- - Work at the normal design optimums most of the time.
- - Observe the background environment of what you look at.
- - Keep stuff you use close and stuff you don't use far away.
- - Consider once a day what your goals are.
- - Observe what you want and what you now have that will satisfy it now without further investment of time and energy.
- - When riding public transportation work on a productive task.
- - Observe something and then think of the biggest and the smallest.
- - When leaving something think what will you do when you return.
- - Always keep a safety net and a safe go back position available.
- - Describe the success criterion for every goal.
- - Set several attainable steps and times to achieve the goal.
- - Go from where you are as the starting point toward your goal.
- - When verifying data have it presented in a different format.
- - Search for examples of Google usage leaping the bounds.
- - When you see an obese person shift your attention to trim one.
- - When you see a person with a problem try and identify the cause and then at a person without the problem and their behavior.
- - Group related things into logical geometrical patterns.
- - Figure out why a person is doing an obviously stupid thing; what is the positive aspect of it for them.
- - With a random batch of items get some of them into an alignment positions as it minimizes the complexity of the remainder.
- - In a complex environment limit your choices to this or that and be prepared for an instant response.
- - When waiting, get into a position for a long view and check out things that are distant and compare them to what is close.
- - Cover your basics on everything and then upgrade the important items first.
- - When reading or studying something hi-light less than ten percent of material.
- - Take large messy random stuff and make it into logical packets.
- - Always carry a weeks supply of essential pills, money and information. (In an eyeglass case or another thing you carry with you all the time.)
- - Watch carefully for interference problems and correct things back to the essence.
- - Observe what you enjoy most and adjust things so you can do more of it.
- - Carefully observe your failures and search for appropriate precursors and plan appropriate responses and rehearse them.
- - State a clear end-point of a process early on but after the process is well past started and into the progress phase so you can measure the steps to the fininsh.
- - You never get something to work really well without iteration and reiteration and more reiteration.
- - When an idea presents itself run with it to its logical conclusion and a bit beyond, so you know the limits.
- - Try and observe the moments just before your decisions are made and why they tripped the way they did.
- - When you have eaten enough food look away and then walk away and start doing something new.
- - Look at a face as a template from average and then subcatagorize its special features.
- - Look at the corners of the eyes and the mouth and between the brows.
- - On your birthday think through your health risks and helps and try and routinize your best responses.
- - When with friends observe their health risks and frame comments in such a way as will be helpful.
- - When someone throws you the ball catch it and run with it a bit and then throw it back.
- - Just because dessert is served doesn't mean you have to eat it, the same with shit.
- - Before eating a meal or a snack, drink a glass of water and eat some dietary fiber.
- - After eating anything but especially after sugared stuff swish three swallows of water between your teeth.
- - During and after a meal drink something non-caloric such as coffee, tea or water.
- - When eating foods with an odor, post lingually exhale and sniff your chewed portions as it gives you more pleasure and makes you more aware of the food you have eaten.
- - Observe who or what you might mimic with success. You can frequently choose acceptable role models on TV and record them and practice their techniques but avoid pretenders.
- - Make a list of ten TV role models and make some recordings of them in spontanious action. Choose people who are responsible for their actions. Presidents of corporations are good.
- - When you fail at something observe what you are mimicking that brought about your failure. There is an abundance of this type of counter productive behavior in movies and TV.
- - Observe human body fat by comparing weight to waist, butt and height. Use the FATS chart for some guidance.
- - When at a lecture try to sit between the speaker and the center of the audience because this is where their statements will be directed.
- - At dinner when you feel full drink some tea or walk away.
- - Observe the modules of the environment and the interactions of those modules.
- - Monitor your flu symptoms and take hot baths to raise your temperature to 102.0° every eight hours at the very beginning of the symptoms.
- - List and clean up your obvious physical defects; bad teeth, overweight, flabbiness, blemishes, posture and chemical imbalances.
- - The journey of the next thousand days always starts right now; while conscious step carefully for the rest is mostly automatic.
- - Once a goal is set, follow the shortest route to it.
- - Reward good behavior in others consistently for a while, then occasionally or else you become too trite and predictable to be interesting to them.
- - Acknowledge your friends' accomplishments with public praise.
- - Keep web materials in folders and make an overall directory; make a printout occasionally and post it on your wall.
- - Design your personal information in such a logical way that nothing is ever lost.
- - Watch for things to give to friends as free gifts.
- - When talking with someone, think, what gift they might need and use.
- - When a sane person is nearby talk to them and find their interesting features.
- - Whenever there is an opportunity to be happy, take it.
- - When there is an opportunity to avoid being unhappy, take it.
- - Observe what you are doing occasionally, and justify it to yourself.
- - Search for the overview and the organizing forces at play in the situation you find yourself in.
- - Make your work of the moment a perfect example of that type of work.
- - When entering home wash your hands, face and nostrils.
- - If something sounds too good to be true, simply smile and nod, and see where things go from there.
- - Go out into the sunshine naked for a few minutes every day in the winter.
- - Limit eating to three times day and make sure the food doesn't have much sugar in it. Evaporated cane juice is sugar.
- - Try and understand the motivations of observed persons; you know you are getting close when you can predict their next action.
- - Practice saying, "No! I don't want that!" in various ways toward things you might want.
- - When you are stuck, pick an alternate easy task and finish it quickly and then consider returning to the problem task.
- - Think ahead to where you are going and what you are going to do when you get there.
- - Search online for exact answers to your specific problems.
- - Make the current task important, obvious and with easy steps to completion.
- - If some task isn't important stop doing it and start doing something that is important.
- - When someone asks a question answer it exactly in the terms they will understand.
- - Don't let anyone join you for dinner after you have finished eating.
- - When it comes to bodily injury, think ahead and avoid it. Don't do stupid things for sport!
- - When going somewhere, choose transportation that is quick, reliable and healthy.
- - Practice saying, "Yes! I want that." in different tonalities.
- - Make a working prototype of an idea and then refine it at least three times.
- - It is time to stop buffing imperfections when others can't find them but if they can find them keep buffing.
- - When making something for your true love, make it perfect.
- - When in a situation, list five good things about it.
- - In the face of problems try to be quiet, sane and firm.
- - When you are reading, notice the spelling of words.
- - Think, speak and act in close alinement to the current situation.
- - When a friend is injured go quickly to their aid!
- - Be calm and firm and help them with getting the proper treatments.
- - When you feel victimized, do a small corrective action, right now.
- - When you feel deprived, think of three good things you have.
- - When you see a mistake that can be corrected quickly, do it now.
- - When you see something you want think what do you need to do to acquire that.
- - What is something else that is just as good that you can get more easily.
- - When turning off the water give it a second push to stop the drips.
- - When you think you will have to wait, bring a book and always have a project in your pocket.
- - If you can do it perfectly, do so; if not, know your compromises.
- - When you forgot your book think about a book that needs to be written.
- - When about to meet a friend review in your mind some of your good times.
- - If it is the type of problem without a solution, don't look for a solution.
- - If a problem is solvable what would be the characteristics of the solution.
- - If you can only find part of a solution, do that and work out from there as things will tend to clarify themselves when parts are finished.
- - Try! Not succeeding is forgivable, but not trying is not forgivable.
- - Watch for manifestations of different kinds of intelligence and perceptions. Every person, animal even plant has found something that works for them.
- - Before you make a big effort prepare for the probable effects.
- - Kill ear worms by twisting them in a unique way at every appearance.
- - Kill eye spikes from SUVs by timing your trip to put the sun high and to the side.
- - When upgrading your computer, take the time to write down the specks of your old one. A digital photo works well.
- - What is that person thinking? Say it to yourself the way they seem to be saying it to themselves.
- - What will that persons next action be? Say it to yourself and watch carefully.
- - Carry a separate note card in your breast pocket with todays good habit on it.
- - Store candies, liquors and other calorie temptations out of sight.
- - Turn on the electric stove before you fill the tea kettle.
- - Set the tea kettle to heating before getting the tea cup ready.
- - Make a map of your computer motherboard and the various plugs and leave it inside the case.
- - Label and tag the various components, wires and plugs of your computers and transformers.
- - Observe beauty and appreciate it but walk away enriched as you must, as you would from the Mona Lisa.
- - Observe other peoples and creatures success and take pleasure in it.
- - State a good habit to another person as an unacknowledged part of conversation.
- - Glance at the sun, moon or star and re-radiate its light with each exhalation.
- - Make habit reminder cards, with a vocabulary word, some background info on a news item.
- - When working don't rest until you need to or have finished what you are doing.
- - When thinking about habits make a habit of rehearsing doing the right thing at a specific time.
- - Create your own habits or other unintended ones will be forced upon you by circumstance or by others.
- - When with others, behave in such a way that you deserve their love and respect.
- - When meeting people bring happiness and when you leave sadness and hope for your return.
- - When others talk about their life, support their success and learn from their failures.
- - When a present problem can't be faced, face one that can, and work on it.
- - When you have time think about things you can change because that's where the fun is.
- - Be good to others and you cultivate the habit of being good to yourself.
- - Life is short so cultivate your good habits while you have the chance, so you can take pleasure in them.
- - In your daily routine, take your medicine but not too much.
- - Observe that to tell a pleasant lie and you will be loved, but tell an unpleasant truth and you will be hated.
- - No matter what's happening around you, or how you are acting, be cheerful inside.
- - If you absolutely cannot prevent a problem, carefully observe it play out and learn its precursors.
- - Don't interrupt someone when they are saying something stupid, or wise as you can learn from both.
- - People will behave like you treat them so treat them like they are honorable and wise.
- - Pay attention! When something is obviously more than 10% crap it probably is 99% crap.
- - When something is less than 10% crap pay close attention but filter out the 10%.
- - When reading make notes on a 4" x 6" card, with date, title, page # of quotes.
- - When handling delicate equipment place them carefully and avoid theatrical tossing.
- - When somebody approaches who is clearly infectious exhale slowly and walk away.
- - Prepare for the extreme month of the bird flu epidemic before it hits.
- - Ask people that really know something who the people are that really know the subject.
- - Ask people who have succeeded at something what is essential and make a list.
- - Show this list to those successful people and ask them to rank them.
- - Well begun is half done but well finished is all done and gets the reward.
- - Winning is a habit with a beginning a middle and an end a stimulus a response and a result.
- - Don't help someone who should be taking care of themselves.
- - Remember the most important person in the world is watching your every thought and action.
- - Remember that what people do is what they really believe what they say is what their group likes to hear.
- - Prepare right now for what you will need tomorrow.
- - Practice right now the skill you will need tomorrow.
- - Stretch your calf and foot muscles before bedtime and for a few seconds and at night if you get up.
- - If you have the feeling you are about to do something stupid your probably right, so don't do it.
- - Creating a new good habit precipitates more pleasure than any other human activity.
- - When you look at the world and see something, also try and see it from one of the great seers point of view.
- - Be very careful creating your habits; You create your habits and then they create you.
- - Your world changes and the habits you are using must be changed to cope with the new conditions.
- - You can form your habits to cope with a future which will be very, very different from what a naive person would expect.
- - Natural habits form in adaptation to current events but with forethought you can do much better.
- - Read, and study the world as education is society's attempt to help you cope with the future.
- - If you adapt to the present you will always be behind so adapt to some specific future condition which is sure to come.
- - If you postulate specific future situations, then the habits that will be needed will become obvious.
- - Thinking is slow so important skills must be habitualized beforehand to become effective.
- - When you meet a knowledgeable person ask them who they think are the prime movers of society for the next five years. Have your own list ready to show them and reasons why you think your
choices are so.
- - Preparation for unusual events will seem unreasonable but it takes very little effort and may have a very big reward.
- - Watch carefully for improvements in things and then try and apply the improvement to unrelated things.
- - With billions of people thinking about stuff and communicating with each other new things are bound to crop up that will have spin offs. 365 is a year's worth of new habits.
- - Watch for new tools of observation as this always permits seeing things with a new vision.
- - Watch for patterns of self organization and its derivatives in everything. Preexisting stressors both internal and external which push apart at some level and pull together at some level seem to be the key factor.
- - For self orgainzation to flourish there must be an overiding influence perceptible to all, forcing them into orientation and close together so these items must have solid pre-existing boundaries.
- - When you are stuck on a problem it is a great opportunity to think and grow new coping abilities outside of the solution to the present problem.
- - You must look at yourself and prepare your habits for what you are capable of becoming.
- - Go to a wiki site and check out something you are familiar with and make appropriate improvements.
- - Look at a new object and create three improvements to it and three nonstandard uses to put it to.
- - Find out who are the prime movers in computers, communications, sales, genetics, nanotech, robots and their combined forms and track their progress.
- - Make a list of who today will be considered the prime movers ten years from now; print the list and post it on your bathroom mirror; and make an RSS feed.
- - Don't drink high calorie beverages; do eat chew able unprocessed solid foods.
- - When you see a dog and human team, look to see who is the leader; usually it's the dog who is pack leader.
- - Watch for critical size reactions in various social as well as physical groupings.
- - When you see a new idea immediately write down in your notebook that idea and how it may be applied to other situations.
- - New ideas are easily forgotten because there in no refrent to bring them back to attention, so write it down now!
- - When at a lecture go up afterwards and participate in the small discussions and watch carefully for the creative people, the place holders and the groupies.
- - Think things through but don't waste time on things that can be wikied; After wikiing think through your application of that knowledge to your problem.
- - Spend some specific event moments on every level of the "Happiness scale" every day.
- - View your problems from several perspectives: survival, freedom, pleasure, sustainability, aesthetics, well-being, virtue, action, balance, power, truth, vigor, vitality and benefits.
- - Seek out artificial intelligence systems such as "Google", "Free Dictionary" and "Wikipedia"; Become
skilled at applying them to your problems.
- - Make an HTMLized page of your AI systems and meld them and your problems into working systems.
- - New ideas lack associations and are difficult to remember, so write down your ideas, even as first approximations, later you can buff them into clearer and cleaner statements.
- - Look at a beautiful thing; then find and observe what is ugly relative to that thing. State the differences.
- - Calling one thing beautiful generates its opposite to come into existence also but that opposite is created by how the beautiful thing is defined.
- - Eliminate unnecessary things from an idea. Beauty is in the revelation of an underlying understandability of a previously overly complex whole.
- - When blocked on anything great or small start working on a way around the blockage.
- - When you are not observed working toward a goal others will not strive to prevent you from reaching it.
- - When others can see a goal clearly and a simple step they can take toward that goal they will take it.
- - Your foremost duty is to live life abundantly; to pay attention to your environment and to participate fully.
- - Identify threats to your life and its possibilities and create workable solutions to those problems.
- - Try hard to stay alive because each new year is filled with more potential experience than ever before, it is like your life is being extended.
- - Opportunities for living more abundantly are expanding so rapidly it is as if your life expectancy is being greatly extended on a daily basis.
- - When something works, do lots of it right away so it becomes a habit and you have some variations on the theme.
- - When you are contradicted note the statements and later, carefully inspect your ideas which they consider wrong, for the correctness of your underlying assumptions and facts.
- - Religions became widespread because they fit the needs of the public at those times and places and the wisdom they provide is best adapted to those circumstances.
- - Pause to think before applying a good habit to a situation unrelated to its original circumstance of creation.
- - Create new little habits because the more little habits you have at your command the more accurately and specifically you may respond to new situations.
- - When confronted with a routine situation, and have some time, explore a new habit for coping.
- - Think ahead a few years; Our bodies, minds and societies evolved long before wiki-wisdom came into being and you should now be preadapting in the direction things are sure to go.
- - Some ideas and sensations can be recreated by going down a pre-experienced path, like rereading a book or drinking a Coca Cola but others require creating a unique new path to re-experience them.
- - Occasionally, observe yourself observing yourself doing what you are doing and then move on and do it with frequent enthusiasm's.
- - Do what you do with enthusiasm, like you are inspired by God to accomplish wonderful things.
- - Observe that humanity evolved and created most of what we see around us because each individual was trying to improve their personal condition.
- - When you seek your personal goals do so in such a way that it doesn't ruin the world around you.
- - Set triggers in your environment such that whenever possible you may take control of your attention and place it where it will do the most good.
- - When starting a new project spend an hour doing a Wikipedia search on the subject and follow the embedded links.
- - Much of the future is already here, prepare for the worst of it with specific actions and embrace the best of it with specific actions.
- - Some things progress slowly, some grow linearly, some grow exponentially and others just the opposite. Try to identify which is which and what needs to be done about the changes.
- - When scratching at skin blemishes put some antiseptic on them first to prevent the transfer of the blemish cells to the next place you happen to scratch.
- - On various anniversaries consider what you want your legacy of accomplishment to be on various time and space scales: day, year, millennium- personal, family, group, society.
- - Be prepared! People think of a severe problem, such as a car wreck as being a catastrophe and buy insurance but they never consider preparing for a DISS-3 or for a DISS-10. These are all personally survivable with some dedicated preparations.
- - Do something original! Something new and useful! Generally this is most easily accomplished by building and improvement on something which was recently created.
- - You can predict the weather by checking an almanac printed last year, a newspaper printed last night, your local weather radar movie or by looking out the window.
- - Observe what need cigarettes, alcohol, gambling and other self limiting activities fulfill in there customers.
- - Identify small margin inflexible organizations, as major innovations are stressful for everyone but are most stressful to big, and brittle organizations. They will be the first to fail but their fall may be slow because of vast stored reserves.
- - Watch for people and organizations with self defeating behavior and find out why they insist on doing things which they probably acknowledged to be self defeating.
- - When observing a person you wish to understand set your whole being into their likeness; make your face, posture, gesture, thoughts and statements identical to theirs.
- - When starting a project learn the basics with Wikipedia, discover the authorities in the field and find one to be your mentor.
- - When meeting people greet them with symmetrical presence and wait until they smile before being overtly friendly.
- - When things are getting difficult say an authoritative word or two and assume a calm relaxed still but attentive posture.
- - Save paper documents by folding them with the identifying information on the outside, so you can identify them later.
- - Start sentences by addressing a person, place or thing rather than with a self referent.
- - When looking back on former problems consider what you were thinking about before the events developed.
- - When asking a question put yourself in the emotional state of the speaker then move on toward your goal.
- - When snuziling with celebrities start off with a thank you for a particular thing they have done for you.
- - When waiting for your turn to speak to them think about specific ways they have contributed to your happiness.
- - Ask your question in terms that can be answered from their world view.
- - Start by saying their formal name with title, how much you value a specific thing they did, why it is important to you, and what you want from them.
- - Observe your stomach a few minutes after eating and ask, "Is this what I hoped for and expected when eating?".
- - Look at people and imagine what they will look like in thirty years.
- - Look at the city and the environment and imagine what it will be like in thirty years with various sceenarios.
- - With a thought in mind about some action, think ... what follows that, three times.
- - Think through a simple task, like getting a cup of tea, and returning. Then observe as you go how many things you missed.
- - Do it again tomorrow and try and get more details into your think through. And again observe what you missed.
- - Search for things in your environment that are scalable from making a small number of them to a large number of them without proportionally increasing the effort.
- - If you are going to be something or do something you may as well start behaving right now as though it is going to happen and its effects are already being felt.
- - Assume for a moment that a solution to your problem exists, what would you do then and can you do some of that right now.
- - Try and think of a tool, physical or mental, which would solve a problem. Refine it three times.
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- Some outside comments.
- - It factors the person's expectancy for succeeding at a given task (E) or self-confidence; the value of
completing the task (V); its immediacy or availability (Gamma); and the person's sensitivity to delay (D) to come up with the desirability of the task (Utility).
The equation reads: Utility = E x V / (Gamma) x D.
Steel said, in general, human behavior is marked by people's judgment of value and their expectancy--whether or not they expect to get something. A person's tolerance for delay also
factors in the equation--whether they can wait 20 minutes for dinner to be served or fill up on bread immediately, for example. "These are the basic elements people use in making decisions."
- Sonja Lyubomirsky of the University of California at Riverside has discovered that the road toward a more satisfying and meaningful life involves a recipe repeated in schools, churches and
synagogues. Make lists of things for which you're grateful in your life, practice random acts of kindness, forgive your enemies, notice life's small pleasures, take care of your health, practice
positive thinking, and invest time and energy into friendships and family.
- The happiest people have strong friendships, says Ed Diener, a psychologist University of Illinois.
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