Probaway - Script A
Shorthand Alphabet Writing System.
How You Can Write Four Times
© 1995, 2006 by Charles Scamahorn
Probaway-Script is a unique single-stroke shorthand alphabet
with a few simple rules for applying the single-stroke
There are only 26 letters to learn but the letters are always
drawn in the size and direction shown with the arrows.
Click here for a better quality, printable
PDF of the Probaway-SCRIPT chart below.
Above is a remade picture of the 1995 Proba Script (Proba was
changed in 2007 to Probaway) which has been slightly modified to
make it a more web ready document. Send email contacts through web
email to . Click here for a Printable PDF comparison to other shorthand
systems taken from Wickpedia.
Click here for a Printable PDF work
Your eye needs practice to read automatically.
Provided below are "The Art Of War" by Sun Tzu and "The Sign Of The
Four" by Conan Doyle. It will be much easier to learn if you print
out the PDFs and read them through a few times a day until you can
see the words automatically. Do a little writing but not too much
so as to avoid developing bad habits. Once your eye knows what the
words look like your hand will soon learn to write the words rather
than draw the letters. You will be able to learn this system more
easily if you print these PDF files out!
Generally upon the first usage of a proper name or any strange word
write it in normal Probaway Script. Then put in that words vowels
lightly and underline the word. On later usage of the word just
write it out in normal Probaway Script.
The Art Of War
by Sun Tzu - 500 BC
Rendered into English in 1977 and into Probaway-Script in 2006
by Charles Scamahorn
Plain text The Art of
Probaway-Script - The Art Of War - PDF - page 1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6,
7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43,
44, 45, 46,
Each page is about 27 Kb each
The Sign Of The Four
by Arthur Conan Doyle
Click here for a printable PDF file of
page 1,
All 14 Probaway-Script pages of
Chapter 1 of "The Sign Of The Four" at one time. 279
When you can read this moderately difficult hundred year
old text you will be able to easily read common modern text.
Also, you will find it helpful to print out a
plain text version in PDF.
Click here for a simulated Probaway
Script copy done in plain text Courier font.
An approach to a similar problem of contraction of words is the
spelling of peoples names. It is known as Soundex.
Liability disclaimer statement: These Probaways contain new and
unique information that has been created, tested and retested by me
alone. You must approach these findings and materials very
carefully as your results may differ greatly from my experience and
I can offer no recompensation of any kind for any injuries.

This work is
licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0