The comments give you an easily remember name for your level of fat and are helpful for finding the location of your body type on the BFATI chart. By doing the BFATI calculation you can immediately know which material on the chart applies to you and to your problems. If your BFATI number is 22 or 23 it will correspond to the standard BMI number but the more your number is away from 22.5 the more the standard BMI will not show the variation of your body fat but BFATI will. The system covers everyone. The BFATI scale is designed to go from extremely small to extremely tall and from extremely muscular to extremely fat. Even very unusual body types will be discovered and discussed on the BFATI chart.
Some ancillary research was found based solely on waist mesurments but it is all that is available as no studies have been reported on waist coupled with height and body density, since the fifty year old studies: William H. Sheldon's 1954 "Atlas of Men". These current studies are probably valid for normally heighted people but it only seems reasonable that a muscular six foot person would not be at as much risk of diabetes with a waist of 39 inches as would be a fatty five footer with 39 inch waist. Considering the interest in the world wide epidemic of fat one would expect a plethora of good studies.
29-34 inches Comparison base group for the
Diabetes Type 2 risks.
34.3-35.9 inches 1 x base risk group
36-37.8 inches 2 x base risk group
37.9-39.8 inches 3 x base risk group
40-62 inches 8 x base risk group
see Tim Parsons -
Try and maintain the weight that you felt best at when you were about 25 years old. Generally that will be about a BMI of 23. The recomended BMI (height to weight) scale is good for most people near its 22.5 ideal. And people over age 25 who are near the ideal don't really have a problem and should just keep living a reasonable life style. It is those who are not near the ideal who need accurate guidance and they are not well served by the old BMI based suggestions. They need the new and improved BFATI scale.
Everyone knows that when someone eats too much they gain weight get fat and that being fat is uncomfortable, casuses illness and early death. Everyone knows that eating too little causes weight loss and that loosing too much weight is uncomfortable, causes illness and early death. So, what's the problem?
Why is there an eating epidemic? One easy answer is that their is a superabundance of cheap food. But, we don't have to eat it. Another is that it is in our genes to overeat and store food on our bodies, in preperation for a possible famine. But, we now know how to store food safely and we don't have to eat it, at least not right now. Another is that eating is a social gesture. But, we don't have to gorge ourselves when being social and usually don't. Another, is to blame fast food corporations for making serving sizes too big. But, we don't have to buy them or eat them. Another is that modern food tastes too good, and when we are hungry it tastes even better. But, when we are full it doesn't taste so good and our body encourges us to stop eating. So why don't we just stop eating? Why do we seemingly choose to get fat and even be happy being obese?
Perhaps it would help to restate the problem as, "How do we stop eating when we have had just the right amount of food?" Everyone stops eating at some point, but what is that point and how do we reach it sooner during a meal? The simpelest and cheapest way to stop eating sooner is to feel full and satisfied sooner. One method to achieve that is to drink a lot of water as soon as you sit down to a meal, it fills up the stomach and if you keep drinking non-caloric beverages throughout the meal you will feel full sooner. But, it doesn't work very well. Another technique, you can get more of the sensation of eating by choosing a great variety of sensations by eating wierd foods. Choose ones that are chewy, crunchy, noisy and strange tasting. Eat foods that slow you down and give lots of sensation such as too hot or too cold, too tough too slimey, too spicy. You get more food pleasue if the food is flavorfull, but that doesn't necessarily mean caloric even plain celery can be tasty if it is fresh. Eat spicy food at the beginning then rince your mouth with water before eating bland high caloric foods so that your body recognizes the fat content. There are lots of little habits that one can cultivate, like not eating unless you are with someone at a meal. Only eat after they start eating and stop imediately when they stop. Don't eat caloric appetizers before a meal or caloric drinks after a meal. Only eat caloric food during sit down meals. Always drink coffee, tea or hot water and never pop, beer or other alcoholic drinks. These things are all obvious but doing them isn't so easy because there are so many stimui to encourgue you to eat and so few to tell you to stop. You need to cultivate those habits that tell you to stop eating, to get up from the table and take a walk. Take a walk should be your eating mantra.
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